Basic Website Portfolio

My Basic Website portfolio based around numerous things as learning projects

Chatbot [Demo]

This is a simple chatbot project written in JavaScript with a HTML Frontend. The purpose of this project is to provide a basic template for learning and building chatbots.


The chatbot has the following features:

How to Use

To use the chatbot, simply clone the repository and open the index.html file in a web browser.

You can interact with the chatbot by typing messages into the input field and hitting enter. The chatbot will respond with one of its pre-programmed messages.

Modifying the Chatbot

This chatbot project is meant to be a starting point for your own chatbot development. You can modify the chatbot by changing the pre-programmed messages or adding new ones.

To modify the chatbot, open the script.js file in a text editor. You will see that the chatbot is programmed with a set of possible responses. You can edit these responses or add new ones by modifying the chatbotResponses array.

let chatbotResponses = [
    input: ['hi', 'hello', 'hey'],
    output: 'Hello there!'
    input: ['how are you', 'how are you doing'],
    output: 'I am doing well, thank you.'
  // Add your own responses here

You can also modify the code that handles user input in the handleInput function.

function handleInput() {
  let userInput = inputField.value.toLowerCase();

  let chatbotResponse = getResponse(userInput);

  if (chatbotResponse) {
    addMessage(chatbotResponse, 'chatbot');
  } else {
    addMessage("I'm sorry, I don't understand. Can you rephrase that?", 'chatbot');

  inputField.value = '';

By default, the chatbot will respond with a message that says it doesn’t understand when it receives input that it doesn’t recognize. You can modify this message or change the behavior of the chatbot when it receives unrecognized input by changing the code in the handleInput function.


This chatbot project is a basic learning template that you can use and modify to create your own chatbots. By changing the pre-programmed responses or adding new ones, you can create a chatbot that is tailored to your specific needs.