Self-Hosting DisFrame
Follow these steps to set up and run your own DisFrame Discord bot locally or on a server.
1. Prerequisites
Install Python 3.8+ and Git on your system.
2. Clone the Repository
Clone the DisFrame source code from GitHub to your machine.
3. Install Dependencies
Navigate to the project directory in a terminal and install libraries from `requirements.txt` (virtual environment recommended).
4. Create .env File
Create a `.env` file in the root directory with your bot token from the Discord Developer Portal.
5. Configure Settings
Edit `` to define role names (e.g., `MOD_ROLE`), owner ID (`OWNER_ID`), and other settings.
6. Launch Locally
Run the bot from the terminal using Python to start it locally.
7. Customize with Cogs
Add custom commands by placing Python cogs in the `cmds/` directory; manage them with `-load`, `-unload`, or `-reload`.
8. Host 24/7
Use a VPS or hosting provider for continuous uptime.